About Kunst

What is art? A couple chopped up cows pickled in formaldehyde? What about a video of some coppers slacking off? Perhaps a shed or someone singing under a bridge? They must be because Wikipedia told me that they are and who am I to argue?

Can a Website be Kunst?

This one certainly is. It's got everyfink what art needs to be called art. For starters, it's got colours, loads of them. It also envokes a range of different emotions depending on who is viewing the piece. To some it brings laughter and joy while to others it brings nothing but anger and hatred. It's also dripping in social commentary about the current state of the United Queendom. In keeping with our capitalist society this piece of art is for sale for £1,000,000 should you be able to find me. It's probably tax deductable and all proceeds will go towards paying my gas bill.

How it Works

Every day we will honour someone for their contributions to society. Each recipient is chosen carefully for how their views and actions shape the country in which we live. We encourage members of the public to nominate worthy beneficiaries for consideration. Winners will be announced at midnight.

Beauty in Code

To the trained eye, code can be beautiful. It can be elegant in both it's form and function while embracing the ideals of minimalism. It can be semantic, accessible, fast and efficient. Code can also be humourous, contain Easter eggs and puzzles that are hidden away from all but curious minds.