
Would you like to nominate a public figure to be recognised for their work in building a better society? We've made it as easy as securing a lucrative PPE contract. Simply fill in the form below or send us an email and we'll ignore you because, just like the government, we know best.

Fill in this form

Send us a message or your suggestion for a recepient and we will probably ignore it. But we will use your data and IP address to market you products to consume in late stage capitalism. You are only worth your data. Hate your neighbours and only look after yourself. Work hard for your entire life and then die, your achievements will not matter, only your possessions and your data profile. Your phone is listening to you, do not join the revolution. Soon your only source of protein will be rats.

Nominate a Prole

Why should the bourgeoisie and aristocracy have all the glory? In an effort to do our bit for social mobility we are allowing consumers to pay for £1,000 for a listing. Not only is this the sort of initiative that Maggie would have loved but you could also bring some joy to a filthy worker's meaningless life. Send us an email for more details.